PKFokam Journal of Science and Technology

The KFokam Journal Of Applied Science & Technology

Serve as information carrier for industrialists, companies or business actors who are willing to transfer the results of applied research out of laboratories into practical application

The KFokam Journal of applied Science & Technology is especially dedicated to the exploitation of results of applied research.


Accepted types of Manuscript

Technical Notes (for existing technologies by inventors): 2-3p

Technical Project analysis: 2-4p

Technology discussion or review: 6-15p (upon invitation by editors)

Short communication: 4-6p

Full original manuscript: 6-20p

Preparation of Manuscript

Organize the content of your manuscript file in 2 main parts as follows:

Part 1 – Scientific Research

Title page including the title, author names and affiliations (an asterisk to indicate the corresponding author), Abstract not more than 300 words (full articles) and 150 words (notes), Introduction, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Implication for industry (about 60 words), Authors’ contributions (design, data collection and/or processing, analysis and interpretation, editing), Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figures and graphics.

Part 2 – know-how transfer

The Problem solved should be clearly defined

Fully description of the methodology used

Description of the technology and know-how required for the successful transfer by a third party

Description of all steps required to achieve marketability.


References in the text should be given as follow: a) [(Hammouda, 2019) for single author reference), b) [Che and Lienou, 2019) for two authors reference], and c) [(Setshedia et al., 2019] when there are more than two authors in the reference]. The list of all references cited in the main text should be provided in the section for references in alphabetical order as follow:

  1. For an article: Nguekeu YMM, Awouafack MD, Tane P, Lando MRN, Kodama T, Morita H. 2017. A kaempferol triglycoside from Tephrosia preussii (Fabaceae). Natural Product Research 31, 2520–2526.
  2. For a book chapter: Author(s) of chapter.  Title of chapter.  In:  Ed(s) name and ed(s) (if available).  Title of book.  Place of publication:  Publisher; Year of publication.  Inclusive pagination. Example: Saroya AS. Medicinal phytochemistry. In: Herbalism, Phytochemistry and Ethnopharmacology. Science Publishers. 2011. 33-35.
  3. For Book: Author(s) of book. Book Title. Publisher City: Publisher Name, Year Published. Example: Linington RG, Williams PG, MacMillan JB. Problems in Organic Structure Determination. A Practical Approach to NMR Spectroscopy; CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group: Boca Raton, FL, 2016.